#301DaysOfCode journal - to keep myself accountable.
The daily log of my #301DaysOfCode challenge.
Today’s Progress: Trying to understand JavaScript DOM manipulation to better understand how to implement the memory game project. Re-watched Mike Wales video on the project. Udacity updated the project page to be more helpful, outlining the chunks we need to work on, helping us structure our code and break it down better.
Thoughts: Excited to get started one day early. (This is day 100 of my #100DaysOfCode.) Reviewed JavaScript concepts at JavaScript ES6 Explorer, Awesome Cheatsheets and ES6 Features: Changes and Comparisons. Learned about 30 Seconds of Interviews from Sara Vasquez and that is a resource that I will be checking into every day. Re-familiarized myself with Markdown syntax on Daring Fireball Markdown: Syntax. I need to re-do the Udacity section “JavaScript and the DOM” because I still don’t get it.
Link to work: My Memory Game Github Repository, very much in progress
Today’s Progress: Some work in a The Complete WordPress Website Business Course on Udemy Course by Gregg Davis. I’m 75% done with this and I would like to finish it. I’ve found it pretty impossible to do JavaScript at lunch at work anymore, so I’m going back to this for lunch n’ code (#LunchNCode).
Thoughts: I really love Gregg Davis’ teaching style. He is certainly very thorough. There are some lessons he added to sections I already finished, so I completed those. He is rightly telling people to switch from MAMP to Local By Flywheel. Local is easier and it’s fine for most purposes. DId not do anything coding related after work.
Link to work: No link.
Today’s Progress: Re-doing JavaScript and the DOM section of Udacity Front End Nanodegree. Hoping to understand it better this time. Changes I made to my game just broke it so I rolled them back. Read article: How to Understand and Modify the DOM in JavaScript by Tania Rascia. Also created a staging site for my WordPress site, just a subdomain of my site. I want to try a few things without breaking things. Learned about the Google Analytics Certificate from Google and I want to get that. Adding to my Goals List.
Thoughts: Finished Q&A section of Mike Wales’ video. Not really that helpful.
Link to work: No changes to my game as I rolled them back.
[September 30, 2018] Sunday, no coding
Today’s Progress:
Some work in a The Complete WordPress Website Business Course on Udemy Course by Gregg Davis. I’m now 80 % done with this. Finished section on different kinds of way to set up transactional and/or marketing e-mail and now we move on to the exciting topic of e-commerce. Excited for that. #LunchNCode No coding after work.
After work, I spent a couple of hours looking for jobs.
Bought a Humble Bundle with Head First books because I wanted the insane price on the Design Patterns book.
Link to work:
No link.
Today’s Progress:
Read 10% of Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain Friendly Guide. It’s from 2014 so it does not have ES6, but it will do fine for some more foundational learning.
More work in a The Complete WordPress Website Business Course on Udemy Course by Gregg Davis. I’m now 82 % done with this. Spent all day with first born at doctor appointments so after picking up second-born, I went to library for a couple of hours, where I had problems connecting to their wi-fi on my Macbook. Could only connect on my iPad. Restarting fixed it, after saving all my rprecious tabs (yes, I’m one of those tab hoarders).
I did a couple of hours of solid work.
Then I did something crazy (installed a plugin and chose a setting I should not have), bricked my website and had to learn how to use FTP so I could restore it.
Then I received over 20K email messages (error logging) that I am still trying to get rid of. More keep popping into the mailbox. I was able to figure out good parameters for a filter so several thousand more emails will be siting in my box for me to delete tomorrow morning.
Tweet: 104/302: I feel like I made a rite of passage. After 2 solid hours of work, I bricked my #WordPress site. Then I used FTP for the first time and I was able to fix it. Feeling good! I knew better, had a staging site, but this happened because I didn’t use it! Shame! #301DaysOfCode
Link to work:
No link. Except my website, which works again. 😅
Today’s Progress:
Up to 15% of Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain Friendly Guide.
More work in a The Complete WordPress Website Business Course on Udemy Course by Gregg Davis. I set up a WooCommerce store on a subdomian. Pretty fun. I’m now 85 % done with this course.
Still receiving error logging emails from my snafu last night, only about 4k. Hopefully the queue is empty by now and they will stop.
All about WordPress today: South Florida WordPress Meetup Group. Great info as always. Tried out some #Gutenberg plugins (block-based). Made a new subdomain with the new photos theme. (Going to replace my Lifecake as I have reached my quota.) Also worked on my store site (learning how to use custom fields and add payment gateways).
Playing with WordPress and looking for jobs. No “serious coding”.
Today’s Progress:
Started Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course working with JSX. Completed lesson: Intro to JSX, so 8% complete with course.
Read Codecademy’s article: React: The Virtual DOM.
Signed up for Tyler McGinnis Course subscription. He guarantees updates to his course for any breaking changes in the programming language (ex. React, JavaScript). Also there was a rare 25% discount. I can ill-afford it, but I am sucker for a deal, sometimes. Started React Fundamentals course.
I'm learning @reactjs with @tylermcginnis's React Fundamentals course ⚛️ 🎉. https://t.co/iZbVTLYi45 #100DaysOfCode #301DaysOfCode #ReactJS #JavaScript #MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie
— Elizabeth Reiher (@tonomoshia) October 10, 2018
Scored a 7/7 on the Introduction to React Quiz. Yippee!
9% complete in React Fundamentals.
Counting on this quote from Tyler McGinnis:
The better you get at using react the better you are going to to be at JavaScript.
Also taking notes, which I haven’t done for a while, and I think it is very beneficial so there is every reason to do it. Taking notes on my iPad while I work on the Macbook. (Notability app for the win).
Lost my job today. While I should be more motivated than ever to code all the things,this day and the next day were not good days for focus and energy. Did apply for jobs and call HR bout 401(k) and benefits.
Applied to many jobs in my current field. Signed up for health insurance on marketplace.
Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course working with JSX and injected JavaScript in React. 16% done with this.
It is very loud at the library today. Did as much as I could before the headache set in. What a weird set-up. The performing arts center abuts the library building (they are basicially one building) so when it is loud in there it is loud in the library.
Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course Lesson called ‘Your First React Component’. 25% done with this.
Thinkful Webinar: Build a Web App with JavaScript & jQuery
42% done with Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course. (All of the sudden I jumped from 25% done to 42% done because my Pro Trial which I wasn’t using, ended. I was only 25% done because they were including quizzes and whatnot. Now that they are not included I have jumped to 42% done without any work done in this tutorial.)
Today’s progress:
Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course Lesson: COMPONENTS AND ADVANCED JSX. 57% done.
Read article recommended in Codecademy Learn ReactJS: Part I course about this
Gentle explanation of this keyword in JavaScript https://t.co/Evnsfygfj6#100DaysOfCode #301DaysOfCode #Javascript #CodeNewbie pic.twitter.com/PjtOmZOKhw
— Elizabeth Reiher (@tonomoshia) October 17, 2018
Udacity React reviewed (re-did) State Management lesson.
Reviewed first 4 Sections in this lesson:
Notable React Notes:
Other Stuff:
Applying for a job at Konsus for a Squarespace Developer, so I took a Skillshare web course about Squarespace: Personal Branding Essentials: Making the Most of Squarespace.
Have been looking for a job and cogitating on the direction for my personal website. Attended another online class on Squarespace to learn more about the competition’s use of blocks and why WordPress is moving to that editing model. Blocks are life, they always have been. You can’t write any CSS without being familiar with the box model. So this idea should be familiar to most of us making things on the web.
Experimented with the Gutenberg Ramp plugin which allows you to decide which parts of your website you will use Gutenberg on. Pretty nifty. I spun up a copy of my site on Local By Flywheel and enable Gutenberg blocks on ‘pages’ only. Creating content with the blocks is easier in Squarespace than in WordPress, so far. I think it may be because there are so many things you can do with the blocks in WordPress, compared to Squarespace’s walled garden approach. Squarespace is the iPhone to WordPress’s Android phone.
(Oh I also activated a bunch of plugins that enable additional sets of blocks, just to make it interesting and more complicated. Once I try them out I pick one to use on my site as using them all is redundant in most cases.)
I also read a lot about the accessibility issues still to be resolved in Gutenberg. My use of it does make me wonder how difficult it would be for a differently-abled person to use it.
Anyway I have been focused on looking for a job. Most likely I will have to pay for the Udacity extension. Hopefully that will motivate me to finish faster.
I was up late (2:30 a.m. this morning) applying for more jobs and deciding which ones to apply to or at least look at tomorrow. Once I was done with that I decided to dive into App Academy’s online courses. They recently made them all free online. Spent 20 minutes in the JavaScript section. Useful.
Only problem is that they are speaking to me as if I know Ruby and Ruby on Rails because Javascript is phase 3 of their program. We shall see if this becomes a problem. If so, I will put it aside for later. I want to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but not right now.